

Its about time right? Things are good at our house. Time is not flying by fast enough for me. Tim and Sariah are at their dads in North Carolina until the 25th of July. He has been taking them fishing, crabbing and exploring! They are having fun and are heading to Universal Studios this Weekend. I guess they both also got their hair highlighted! I have not seen pictures yet but once I get them I will post. We have been just working on the house and trying not to go crazy from all the rain. We are having a garage sale this weekend at kendalls moms house in smithfield. We have so much to get rid of and probably more than i realize i have that is still somewhere in my house! So that will be my saturday morning. Kendall gets to stay home and be lazy with the kids. (if thats possible) We have a calander of things that we want to finish before the kids get home. I want to get tims room finished so that he can have his own space and not be stuck sharing a room. I want to finish the kids bathroom. I want to clean out my basement. I want to build a shed. I think I want to rethink my list! LOL. So we are just staying busy and doing our best to be happy till my kids get home! MISS YOU GUYS TONS!


gInA dEntOn said...

Garage sale huh??? I want to come, I'm sure you will have lots of little girls clothes and I'm definately in need :) Please e-mail me the address so I can come. dimples1@plwm.com Yeah for good weather...finally!!!

Anonymous said...

Dang I've got cute grandkids! That was sure a fun weekend. Such crazy and wonderful life! Love you guys!

Our Family said...

Hey if you need help with projects let me know. If I come help you then I can get out of doing some of my own! lol Then maybe we can actually get together. It's been way too long. It seems hard to keep up with friends once you grow up and have a family. I will really come help. I can't believe how big Tim is. I don't know how you do the bicoastal parenting. I may say that I would send my kids away but in reality it would kill me to have them that far away and for that long. I am sure you are going crazy without them. Stay in touch girl. Tammy Mendenhall can give you my number

Misty said...

I can't believe how big the kids are now! I guess Bangor was a long time ago. Time has flown by!