
Waz Up?

Yes I know that I have a weird pic for my Blog but I thought it was funny.
The new slide show is of our little indoor garden we started about 4 weeks too early! We probably cant plant it for about 4 more weeks when all chance of frost is gone but oh well. Its way fun to watch it grow. We have corn and peas also but we are waiting to plant them outside.
We have cut down a bunch of old ugly trees in our yard to make room for the kids to play and also for 2 Bing cherry trees we are planting. We have planted one already and just need to cut down some more trees and tear down some old outside buildings before planting the 2nd one. We also found a old style freezer buried in the ground and used to house a compost pile. Needless to say we hauled that sucker out. How can burying a fridge that will rust in the ground be good for the soil? Kendall had fun doing that with his truck. We have been doing our best to get our yard cleaned up and kid safe for this summer. The old owners left massive piles of old wood and trash around the yard that is just a haven for spiders and wasps and rusted nails. We plan on getting it out before the bugs get in. I cut sariah's hair into a bob because now she is growing it out. Go figure! Jazz gets her cast off in 1 WEEK!!!! YES! Kendall got a job at Alpine with me and so far things are going well! He enjoys working there and getting to see me occasionally. Right now I am working on getting groceries and getting ready for easter! Later Ya'll.


Anonymous said...

well holy cow... you have been busy!!! the garden is awesome... the bathroom looks great... the truck is sweet! and i'm glad your kids will have a yard to run around in!! and kendal got a job... what a busy woman... I like your title pic too... it's fun to change it up.

Heidi said...

I love your blog, it is always on the top of my list to check out!! We are also trying a garden this year! So cross your fingers! Your such an awesome mommy, I look up to you! Hopefully you will be enjoying your yard in the warm weather in no time!!!

Anonymous said...

Tons of things on your to do list I see! I know you love working on your yard. It will be fun this year to see it all come together. I can hardly wait for the cherries! Great to see you update!
Love ya!

Taderbugs said...

don't you love that. we found all kinds of weird things in our yard when we moved in too. i've tried to understand what they were thinking, but can't. we have some old license plates and pie tins holding up our fence and instead or using a piece of wood on the side of our steps in the garage, they used cardboard and painted it so it looked like wood. i found out when i was spraying it out last summer and got it wet. i could go on, but that's a whole post in itself. good luck.

Anonymous said...

so I called Amber while we were in ST. George to see if she wanted to go to lunch or something... but she didn't answer so I left a message... and she never called... tell her she's totally rude!! :)