
Pictures - Alot of Pictures!

I love the oblivious family. I took about 5 pictures of them and they NEVER noticed!! LOL. Oh the fun of it all.
The path we dug to the chicken coop... We have to do this every time it snows. So far we have dug it about 4 times! :0)
Look at those cute faces.... oh but how looks can be deceiving!

Here i s a picture of one of my favorite areas of my house. The top of our piano.

Here is me: Obviously... I cant bake without getting a little floured! Those sugar cookies taste OH SO YUMMY THOUGH!!!

Here is proof that my christmas tree had all its lights working....

Until the DEVIL CAT got a hold of it!!! Remember that cute innocent sleeping face pictured above.. Yeah right! Anyone want a CAT?!
If you look right at the middle of the tree you will notice no lights. None... Seriously a cat ..anyone? PLEASE?!?!?

Here is a look at the amount of snow we have been dealing with on and off the last couple of weeks.

Kayden looking way awesome in his Dad's Alpine Hat. GO ALPINE!!!

During a movie the kids had piled all thier blankets and pillows up...looks like the perfect place for a nap! Awww man Mylee beat me too it!

and here are our 7 stockings!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. The time flies when your having fun and WE ARE DEFINETLY HAVING FUN!! God Bless You EVERONE!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so cute. glad your tree did work at one time!!! and I'm upset I didn't get any of those sugar cookies!!! Hello!!! Hope you all have a good Christmas.. love ya