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So I think I need a vacation...Like a ten year vacation. Completely by myself vacation.

3 sick, green runny nose, coughing children with horrible attitudes and who keep sleeping at the wrong time. 2 older kids who seem to be so hyper I am searching my house for a candy stash, a husband with no job but being mr mom and calling me wanting me to train him over the phone, down to one car and insurance not paying $1300 of the car that was totaled, rotted flooring in my bathroom, work asking me who I think that they should lay off even though I am not the office manager, being so stressed out that my left eye twitches and I cant see out of it....

10 year vacation for sure.....now where did I put those winning lottery numbers......?


Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds like my life. It's the Welch curse I tell ya. Wish I had some magic wand....or even to win the lottery! Hang in there. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

ya, sounds like you better find that ticket soon.... I wish I could find mine!!!

Erin said...

Hey girl, sorry things are really rough right now. I know how you feel, well kind of. Hopefully that means that things can only get better. Sometimes all we can do is Grin and bear it!

Housley Four said...

That sucks! I know how ya feel, but I only have 2 snotty nosed, puking sick kids!

Rosie said...

You are not alone! Not that that makes it any better:) I hope your next few days get better, the weekend is here!

Taderbugs said...

I think that I need a vacation too! We should get a bunch of ladies together and go. I emailed your friend about pictures. Your puppy is way cute!

kaTie said...

D&C 46:8-9 Supplicate at the throne of grace, that the Spirit of the Lord may always rest upon you.. Remember that without asking we can receive nothing; therefore ask in faith, and ye shall receive such blessings as God sees fit to bestow upon you. Pray not with covetous hearts that ye may consume it upon your lusts, but pray earnestly for the best gifts.”
So - in a nut shell: When we pray in faith and simplicity, we receive the blessings God sees fit to bestow upon us.
Keep your chin up! Katie